Be a community organizer!

If you can devote some of your time, you can help us, even on your own from home or work! Here are some ways we have for people to plug in, so please email us!!!

Help from home:
  • Make phone calls to a few people to let them know what is going on.
  • Create or share images and graphics for us to use on the website or flyers.
  • Help by sharing or produce articles, videos, artwork, pictures related to ending police violence.
  • Help us get the word out to other organizations about our strategy and plans for a campaign of BART protests.
Join our organizing crew:
  • Plan strategy and outreach for the No Justice No BART campaign.
  • Be a spokesperson and communicate our demands and strategy to the media, government officials and the general public.
  • Give us the full benefit of your experience, wisdom, or energy.
Support us in your own way:
  • Help with legal support or cop-watching (video recording the police) at actions.
  • Come out and provide demonstration support such as food or medical support.
  • Make art and signs to bring to the protests.
  • Coordinate music or performances to keep the energy high at the protests.
  • Organizing of a small group of people (an "affinity group") that can take part in coordinated actions!